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Sheila, a Sickle Cell Disease Warrior, lives her life possessing the mindset of “She Can Do All Things Through Christ Jesus Whom Strengthens Her”. She serves her family and community with dedication which expresses her deepest gratitude. As a wife, mother, and grandmother, she is reminded daily of the gift of having a healthy and loving family. As a former aerospace executive with over 20 years of experience, she reflects on and is appreciative of the multi-leveled professional skills which she developed, now generously shared with the SCD community. As a community leader, Sheila is honored to have the opportunity to contribute to the SCD movement. Serving for over a decade as a facilitator, educator, advocate, organizer, supporter, consultant, and advisor, she has consistently contributed to the emerging forum focused on wrap around care for SCD adults and their families. And lastly, as a SCD Warrior, Sheila’s life is immensely enriched, improved, and enlarged by her associations and relationships with the SCD community. To this community of fellow warriors, leaders, healthcare and medical providers, colleagues, mentors, supporters, family and friends, Sheila is forever indebted. She knows both the quality and ‘quantity’ of her life, her overall health and wellness, are improved immeasurably by the caring and compassionate community that surrounds her. This undergirding of love and support has positioned Sheila to “Do All Things…” fulfilling her God-given purpose in life.

Phone#: 909-851-8194

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