A’Yanna Hatton
A’Yanna Hatton (she/her) has been passionate about community health, education, and advocacy for marginalized individuals since age 10. She is experienced in supporting community members in various roles, and began community health work to continue her empathy-centered purpose of equitable healthcare with a wholistic approach.
Having a special interest in healthcare, A’Yanna attended university and explored many topics where she was able to solidify her belief in prioritizing wholistic healing, health access, health education, and healthy practices for BIPOC and all marginalized individuals.
Along with Community Health Work, A’Yanna is a practicing Doula and continuing her education to become a nurse practitioner.
As someone who lives with Endometriosis and GAD, she thoroughly understands how invisible conditions are often dismissed and ignored by most institutions and is very excited to advocate, learn, and grow with Cayenne Wellness Center!