Hailing from Northeast Ohio, Georgeanna was instilled with values of compassion, courage, and the importance of using her voice from a young age. Whenever asked about her aspirations, her response remained steadfast: “I want to help people!”
Her upbringing in the church nurtured her love for music, with performing in choirs becoming her cherished pastime. Representing Ohio, she graced regional, state, and even national choirs. Securing a performance scholarship at DePaul University School of Music, Georgeanna embarked on a journey to pursue a degree in vocal performance, with a particular fondness for opera. Initially aiming to blend her musical talents with her passion for aiding others through music therapy, she ultimately realized that a Sociology degree better aligned with her career ambitions after a year of rigorous education and practice.
At DePaul, her focus shifted towards studying critical societal issues such as the housing epidemic, urban ethnography, criminal justice reform, and healthcare disparities, igniting a fervent interest in social inequality within healthcare systems. This passion led her to Cayenne Wellness Center, where she now serves as a Compassionate Community Health Worker.
Relocating from Chicago to Los Angeles to be with her partner, William, Georgeanna aspires to pursue her MSW and become a licensed Clinical Social Worker. Finding solace and purpose at CWC under the guidance of Dr. Rowley and alongside a compassionate team, she considers her role an honor. Excitedly anticipating her work with SCD Warriors, she is dedicated to providing them with the compassionate, unbiased, and comprehensive care they rightfully deserve. In this new chapter on the West Coast, Georgeanna feels she has found her true home.