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Why Canvassing?

When you ask someone what they know about sickle cell disease, you’re likely to hear something along the lines of:

“It’s something African Americans have, right?”


“I think it has something to do with malaria…”

The truth is that most people don’t know what sickle cell disease is or who is affected by it. It was probably mentioned in passing in their high school biology class. And, it’s also true that people cannot care about something if they haven’t heard about it. Change requires care and outrage, it requires motivation and understanding. This is why we canvas. It’s important not only for the public to know about sickle cell disease but to know that the medical system’s failure to care for patients with sickle cell causes hundreds to thousands of unnecessary deaths a year.

Where You Come In

Our team is small – we rely on dedicated volunteers to lead the charge and engage the community. Our volunteers are the first face that many Californian’s will associate with sickle cell disease, because they will be the one they hear it from. You can join us once every couple of months, either at a community health fair or on a Saturday at the mall, where you will hand out flyers and speak with shoppers about the struggles of those with sickle cell disease. You may even come across a patient or a family member who has been looking for support and unsure of where to find it.

It’s not glamorous. It’s not the Ice Bucket Challenge. You won’t get a fancy pink ribbon to slap on your IG. What it is, is a moment to open someone’s eyes and doors to a world of patients who need support. It is a chance to make a difference one mind at a time and to do so with a group of volunteers like yourself, whose hearts are drawn to helping those in need.

Sign Up Today

Have you canvassed before? Got a great smile? Want to learn more about the hours and the places? But, most importantly, you want to help. Call or email us today – we’re searching for volunteers like you to spread awareness about sickle cell disease.