Sickle Cell Disease management and care have a big financial burden to the affected families. This burden is a result of the frequent hospitalizations of the persons living with sickle cell disease.
To the caretakers/family members, there is a loss of productive time due to work absenteeism which leads to loss of employment in most cases. Cayenne Wellness Center’s SCD Client Assistance Program enables us to support care coordination services for persons living with Sickle Cell Disease.
For Patients and Families:
Contact your regional CHW to fill out the Client Assistance Application. You can locate your regional CHW on our home page. Thank you.
Check back for details.
Due to COVID-19, we did not hold a benefit concert.
In 2019, we held a benefit concert at the Music Box in San Diego, CA on Saturday, September 7, 2019.

In 2018, we began our first fundraising activity on behalf of patients at our 10th Annual Sickle Cell Disease Educational Seminar at UC Davis. Ledisi held a book release and signing of her second book “The Walk: Accepting Your Life As It Is Now” which was held at the UC Davis MIND Institute.
The SCD Client Assistance Program
is made possible in part by a grant from: