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Get Connected

In partnership with the SCDAA, Cayenne Wellness Center and Children’s Foundation supports patients signed-up in the Get Connected registry. If you are a patient with Sickle Cell Disease or Sickle Cell Trait, please call us at 818-940-0079 to receive guidance from our friendly staff who will help you complete the registration process over the phone, or visit to complete your registration online.

Get Connected is a National patient-powered registry that allows those with sickle cell disease to enter their medical history online, in the secure Get Connected database. By doing so, the patient has access to their information, no matter where they are in the country.

This lets them, or a hospital that is treating them, have up-to-date medical data. Other benefits of this registry are newsletters, community forums, and other sickle cell disease specific information.

The “Get Connected” registry is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. Once you register you will receive an approval email link that allows you to go back into the registry and complete your profile. Please select the Cayenne Wellness Center and Children’s Foundation to make sure you are connected to receive information, updates and services from us.